Thursday, July 30, 2015

summer moments

It is hard to believe that these pictures are already two weeks old...  Today I am 35 weeks into this crazy-amazing pregnancy and I have spent my day in bed with a sore throat and cough (hence the lack of current bump pictures... hopefully tomorrow or Saturday I'll take some!).

Monday, July 13, 2015

believing, smiling, living...

Weeks 26-31!!!  Time is flying!!!

Oh, my friends, I have utterly failed with posting weekly bump pictures... so this post is an update on my life as well as a catch-up on preggers/life pics!  :-)

Monday, July 6, 2015


I am a very visual person.  Images speak to me powerfully.  And so, as you'd expect, capturing moments into pictures means a lot.  These photos were taken on my last day in Indiana, nearly two weeks ago now.  Hard to believe.  My family (with the exception of my mom, who came out to Utah in April) has only been able to see me twice since I got pregnant and the next time we lock eyes on each other I will be holding a little bundle of baby in my arms (and then probably won't get a chance to hold her again till she's screaming to be fed).