Monday, November 5, 2018

autumn favorites (so far) ~ 2018

-  handmade hats on babies.  the warm, snugly is strong!

-  hot soups and baguettes.  i'll admit to buying two huge baguettes after trying a sample at costco.  i have no regrets.

-  perfectly falling leaves.  i snapped the above picture after this gorgeous leaf fell into haven's lap.  autumn loves me.

-  chalkboards.  we finally hung our large chalkboard in the office nook.  i'm so excited to write out lyrics and quotes (or just doodle!) on it in the future.

-  clipboards.  i saw this idea of hanging clipboards on pinterest and it is PERFECT for hanging prints i love or rennie artwork.  <3

-  the donut man.  i'll be honest, this season of life has called for more screen time than i'd prefer.  one wonderful option for us has been donut man episodes on youtube.  i love the truth they teach and rennie is learning such sweet songs about Jesus!  she loves it and i love that at least the time being entertained is also helping to instill the gospel message.

-  rennie in her jean jacket.  it's soooooooo cute on her.

-  her new haircut.  ever since rennie decided to experiment with daddy's beard trimmer, her hair had been looking quite scraggly (my mama heart broke a bit when i found the bathroom floor covered in her baby curls).  so i finally caved this month and gave her a "big girl" haircut.

-  our double stroller.  even though rennie likes to walk alongside, it's a nice option when she gets tired.

-  rain days.  andrew being home is the absolute best.  when weather permits, he works looooooooooong days (12 hours minimum), so the times we have together are so precious.

-  marriage.  i haven't talked much about my marriage recently, simply because my posts are so easily filled with cute baby/toddler pics.  ;-)  andrew and i are only a month away from being married 6 1/2 years (WOW!) and i can honestly say we are more in love each day.  we are fire and ice, this man and me... but there's no partner with whom i'd rather go through life.  <3

-  sweaters.  pretty much the first section i search in every thrift store is the sweaters.  they are the best.

-  laughter.  living with chronic anxiety is the pits.  laughter is such a treasure.  and we manage to have it in our home quite often, despite the struggles.  i will always be thankful for that.

- butter in coffee.  don't judge.  it's amazing.

-  minimizing.  i periodically go through our belongings and purge.  it is so neat to know just how little you actually need.  i'm definitely still working on it and will probably always be a "cozy minimalist" because i do find certain impractical things super comforting.

-  family walks.  seriously, i love them.  i love the time outside, the gentle exercise, and quality moments together.  plus you get to step on crunchy, crunchy leaves.  just happiness there.

-  operation christmas child.  we are currently prepping our shoeboxes and it is such a beautiful reminder of God's love for everyone.

-  rearranging.  even in our small home, i've been finding ways to change things up.  anyone interested in home pictures?

-  bible apps.  it is rare i have time to pull out a devotional or flip through my bible, so having truth easily accessible at random moments via my phone is a must.

-  classic rock instrumentals.  fact about me: i love rock music.  favorite style by far.  :-)

-  singing at church along with my husband's incredible guitar playing.  he finally was able to purchase a new guitar and its been so wonderful to hear him enjoy it.  <3

What are your favorites this season?


Hannah Barta said...

Living with anxiety is absolutely horrible. I am so sorry you are hurting, but I am happy you are taking the time to enjoy little things in life.

This is off topic, but have you ever recorded music? I'd love to hear you sing :)

Rachel J said...

I haven't done any recording recently. I've been considering doing a weekly karaoke challenge just for fun though. If I do, I'll be sure to share links here!