Friday, April 22, 2016


my birthday kind of snuck up on me this year.

between andrew's crazy work, mommying, and just the way time goes faster with each year you grow, my mind was sent a-whirling any time a family member asked me what i would like for a gift this year.
(and i had to stop myself from blurting out something cute i'd seen for rennie)

i am learning the worth of things for which there is no price tag.

being valued.
time together.

i am so thankful for the books and new pair of moccasins my hubby got me; they will be so loved!  ;-)  but even more exciting is the date we will *attempt* tomorrow... i can't wait to just be with my man amidst all of the busy.

goodbye twenty-two.  you were wonderful.  i became a baby-in-my-arms mommy with you.  we had some hard times, but also some incredible ones!

hello twenty-three.  the best is yet to come.



Anonymous said...

Love you. Happiest of 23rd birthdays!❤️

Julia Ryan said...

oh you're so wonderful!! You're so encouraging to me..I'm just 16, but you make me look forward to the days of being a wife and a mommy!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! <3 Give Rennie a kiss for me ;)

Danielle Carlson said...

Rachel, I hope you have a fantastic twenty-third birthday!! It's amazing how much can change in just the space of a year. I hope twenty-three is a fantastic one.

Happy birthday!

Dani xoxo
a vapor in the wind