Tuesday, April 12, 2016

mamabird life {four}

steam rise from my daily (originally typed "morning"... but mama life means starting a post in the morning and not finishing till hours later) cuppa coffee with that dash of cream

toast, brisk spring air, and coffee

to my baby girl's sweet voice, josh groban "stages"

that God has this.  i've been struggling a lot recently, but He continues to be faithful

a new line of supplements soon!  i will definitely be sharing more at a later date!

every weekend to be as relaxed and full of my hubby and baby as this last one was

that no matter how much i wish i could be the done-up, skinny mommy who looks perfect in every picture on her blog, that just isn't who i am.  in the above left picture i am sporting my pj's and a rushed mom bun... but it was snowing for the first time since christmas and i wanted to share my excitement with rennie (and andrew happened to be home when it happened, so the memory was captured).  and i'm happy that it was.
thank you, Lord, for chipping away at my need for perfection and just letting me *be*, in all of my pajama glory!

with my hilarious girl!  she loves chuckling and growling back and forth with me!

groceries for the month last week.  so thankful for my amazing mom-in-love who spent a long afternoon out and about with rennie and me so andrew and i wouldn't have to shop during the weekend, resulting (as i mentioned before) in one of the best weekends we've had since becoming parents!

for courage... praying for it too.
so grateful that my strength rests in God, not my own capabilities.

"bring him home" along with josh groban (i've always loved harmonizing, so it is quite fun!)

no socks or shoes.  it is barefoot-in-the-house weather now.  wish i could do it outside too, but i'm terrified of stepping on a snake, lizard, or spider!  *desert life*

a teeny bit proud of myself.  i have been diligently working out each week for a month and a half now.  no noticeable differences yet, but thankful for the determination i've been feeling.  yay for my stubborn irish heritage.

children's books to renniebird.  hoping to start some *me* reading in the future.

my birthday later this month (wow, is it really time for that again?) and travelling to indiana next month for my sister's wedding!!!

phone calls with family, andrew, serenity, turning old pickle jars and lemon juice bottles into custom-painted vases, and (as always) coffee!

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